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Engagement Photography



Japanese Garden Engagement Photography in Fort Worth


My most recent engagement photography session was at the beautiful Fort Worth Botanic Garden and at the Japanese Garden, on a marvelous winter day. This was a perfect day and photo location for Alex and Jason's Fort Worth engagement session. Their love and joy was intense, and plenty of kisses where frozen in time, it was a blast capturing it frame by frame.

I have photographed more engagement sessions at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden than my brain can remember, but this location still remains fresh for me and every session I do there still has a new look and feel. There are so many areas within the gardens that have all different looks and that are perfect for engagement photography during all the months of the year. If you are planning an engagement photography session in the DFW area, you should definitely consider the variety of the Fort Worth Botanical Garden and the smaller and very lush Japanese Garden for your engagement photos.





Dallas Engagement pictures at Las Colinas


I had tons of fun doing Jessica and Wesley's engagement session by the beautiful Mandalay Canal at Las Colinas in Irving. The area around the Mandalay Canal has always been one of my favorite spots for engagement pictures in Dallas. The area has such a great southern European charm to it and is perfect backdrop for a classy engagement portrait session. I can't wait to photograph Jessica and Wesley's wedding at the Old Red Museum in Dallas, they are so much fun to shoot.





The tradition of the Engagemnt Ring & Wedding Ring


The Wedding Ring as a symbol of everlasting love and the perpetual bond that joins a man and a woman in marriage, has a long, interesting and intriguing history.

Since its appearance in Egypt nearly 5,000 years ago, the wedding ring has represented several facets of the traditional wedding vows.

The ancient Egyptian civilization grow up along the fertile flood plains of the river Nile. This river was the source of prosperity and life to the Pharaoh's people, and from plants growing on it's river bank were the first wedding ring fashioned. The wedding ring is a circle, symbolizing the cycle and eternity of love.
The first wedding ring was usually made out of a plant material, most often hemp, grass or reeds, and lasted only a year or so before replacement was necessary. Back then it was only a symbol of love and commitment and not a status symbol at all.

The wedding ring was worn on the fourth finger of the left hand, as is a custom today, due to a belief that a vein in this appendage ran through the body and directly to the heart. This wedding ring idea was enthusiastically embraced by the Romans and many other European cultures, who worn rings made of iron and gold. During the reign of George I of England, the wedding ring was often worn on the thumb. Louisa of Prussia, wore the wedding ring on the little finger of the right hand, while an old Russian custom made the bride and groom to wear the wedding ring on the fourth finger.

Another widespread myth which still persists in some cultures is the idea that the wedding ring must fit absolutely perfectly, or otherwise it would be detrimental to the entire union. It was believed that a wedding ring which was too tight would hint at an oppressive marriage that would be riddled with jealously, control and suspicion, while the wedding ring that was too loose would lead to carelessness and perhaps even infidelity for the newlywed pair.

The Engagement Ring

An engagement ring is a symbol that the person wearing it is engaged to be married and represents a formal agreement, especially in Western cultures. In many Western countries, engagement rings are only worn by women, and rings can feature diamonds or other gemstones. In other cultures around the world both women and men wear matching engagement rings. In some cultures, engagement rings are also used as wedding rings.

The woman's ring is presented as an engagement gift by a man to his prospective spouse while he proposes marriage or directly after she accepts his marriage proposal. In Western countries, it is normally worn on the left hand ring finger, though customs vary across the world.

After marrying, the couple may wear both engagement rings and wedding rings, or only the wedding rings. Some brides have their engagement and wedding rings permanently soldered together after marriage.

Today, most wedding rings are made from gold, silver or other precious metals, but regardless of their material they still symbolize the strength of love and unity to one another. Nowadays most wedding rings feature precious stones, most commonly diamonds, the wealthy started to use diamonds rings around the 15th century in Europe. In modern times the most common type of wedding ring is a gold ring with a solitary diamond or several diamonds. The many varieties of styles of wedding rings can be customized to the wishes of the couple and you can be sure to find one for any taste and budget.

So once you get that precious engagement and wedding ring, make sure to get it beautifully photographed by a professional wedding photographer and have it included in your wedding album.





Engagement session at the Prairie Creek Park


On a hot day in June I met Ashley and Saville for a very fun engagement session at the Prairie Creek Park in Richardson, TX. The jokes and laughter were plentiful and it was a joy to see and capture their joyful spirit and love for each other. It's going to be very fun to photograph their wedding next year.

Engagement photography at the Prairie Creek Park, Richardson, Texas

Contact us today to schedule an epic DFW engagement session with wedding photographer Igor.

682-233-5367 / contact@igorweddingphoto.com





Valerie & Stephene's engagement session


On a marvelous sunny summer day I had the pleasure to shoot Valerie and Stephene's engagement session at the Fort Worth botanical garden. We had a terrific time in the lush garden and I was even able to convince them to step into the tall weeds for a fresh a green look.

Fort Worth engagement portraits at the Botanical Garden

Fort Worth engagement portraits at the Botanical Garden

Contact us today to schedule an epic DFW engagement session with wedding photographer Igor.

682-233-5367 / contact@igorweddingphoto.com





Engagement session in Burleson - After the storm


On a stormy but beautiful spring day I got the privilege to capture the engagement photos of Elizabeth and Shawn at the Deer Creek Stables in Burleson, Texas. As the the worst of the storm passed us by we got blessed with an amazing sky and sunset. It was truly an engagement session to remember.

Sunset engagement photography in Burleson, Texas

Sunset engagement photography in Burleson, Texas

Contact us today to schedule an epic Dallas-Fort worth engagement session with Igor Photography.

682-233-5367 / contact@igorweddingphoto.com





Downtown Fort Worth Engagement Photography


On a very cold winter day I had the pleasure to photograph Lauren and Greg's engagement session. We decided to have the session at the newly rebuilt Sundance Square Plaza in downtown Fort Worth, just a "stone throw away" from a hot beverage. It was a great shoot, we got some fantastic engagement photos from the session despite the unusual cold weather in Fort Worth, as a matter of fact, I think it added to the mood since they where hugging and keeping each other warm and cozy. Not that they really needed the cold to be close to each other, they are so much in love that you almost need a breaking bar to separate them :)

Fort Worth engagement photographer

Contact us today to schedule an epic Fort Worth engagement session with wedding photographer Igor.

682-233-5367 / contact@igorweddingphoto.com

