Tips for Including Your Dog in Your Engagement Photo Session — Dallas Wedding Photographer-Fort Worth Wedding Photography & Wedding Videos

Those big eyes, adorable ears, and that charming nose; if your first thought was about your dog as well as your new fiancé, you certainly have the perfect companions! Every day, your furry friend is beyond excited to welcome you and your partner home. Your life just wouldn’t be complete without your pup.

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Now that you and your partner are engaged, you will begin creating your own family. However, there is one family member who is already thrilled to be a part of your life and will be welcoming your new partner with a wagging tail and a puppy grin. If your lovable dog is part of your family, you will want to include them in your special event. After all, they are so wonderful, how could you not involve them? So, know that you can showcase your dog proudly within your engagement photos!

We believe that pets are an important part of life! That’s why, here at IGOR Photography, as Fort Worth engagement photographers, we have put together a few pointers on how to incorporate your dog into your own engagement photo session. Would you like to learn what these tips are? If so, be sure to read on:

  • A Little Exercise. Your dog is surely filled with energy. While it is quite entertaining and enjoyable when they greet you after a long day, it can be difficult to deal with during a photo session. Your biggest challenge will be getting your dog to stay still for your photos. You can help your pup expel a little of that energy with a pre-session exercise. Take your pup for a walk and play a little catch. They will be a little tired out, making it much easier for them to be at ease and pose for the camera when the times comes.

  • Behind the Scenes Care. It will be a great bonding experience for you and your partner to capture engagement photos. It will also be a great bonding experience for your pup too! But, with all the excitement of the day, and the photo session being so demanding for a pup, it’s important to ensure that your furry friend is taken care of. Be sure to provide some behind the scenes care, such as a fresh supply of water and food, and a little time to pet and love on your pup. Our suggestion is to have someone other than yourself and your fiancé with you to take care of the pup, so caring for him doesn’t consume you and the time you spend with your photographer, since your dog won’t be in every photo.

  • Some Incentives. Of course, your dog is always happy to spend time with you. But, taking photos and sitting still for a long period of time may not be the first activity on their mind. You can provide a little incentive to help keep your dog focused. Treats and toys are a great way to grab your dog’s attention, and keep it! So, be sure to round up your dog’s favorite treats and toys so that they are ready to go for your photo session.

Your life just wouldn’t be the same without your dog, and neither would your engagement photos! These tips can help you incorporate your beloved dog within yours with ease.

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Are you prepared to have your own photos captured by an engagement photographer in Dallas, Texas? If so, please get in touch with us here at IGOR Photography, as we would be excited to preserve your memories!

