Reasons to Hire a Photographer to Capture Your Marriage Proposal — Dallas Wedding Photographer-Fort Worth Wedding Photography & Wedding Videos

You have discovered that one special person out of everyone in this entire world, most likely took them out on many dates, wooed them in any way that you could, fell in love with one another, and are now ready to spend the rest of your life with them…what could be more exciting than that?

Take a Look at Festive Props for Your Engagement Photos

If you are getting ready to pop the question, you will certainly want to consider capturing your marriage proposal through photography! After all, this is a once in a lifetime event, which will be over in the blink of an eye. So, don’t you want to savor it?


We love a good marriage proposal, and feel as though an event that holds such significance in your life deserves recognition! That’s why, here at IGOR Photography, as Fort Worth engagement photographers, we have gathered some reasons as to why you should capture your own marriage proposal through photography. Would you like to discover what these reasons are? If so, be sure to read on, to gain some great insight:

  • The Moment Will Be Over in the Blink of an Eye. While you will certainly wish that your marriage proposal would last a lifetime, know that it will be over in the blink of an eye! Therefore, it will be difficult to really savor it. However, if you choose to capture it through photography, you can embrace each and every moment of it, and look back on it as often as you would like. So, even if it is a moment that will be over quickly, know that it can last as long as you would like it to through photography!

  • You Can Embrace All of Your Emotions. As previously mentioned, your marriage proposal will be over before you know it. Emotions will flood you and your partner, and everything will certainly happen rather quickly. But, if you choose to capture your marriage proposal through photography, you can embrace the emotions that you and partner will showcase, and truly enjoy them! Smiles, tears of joy, nervous laughs; each emotion is sure to put a smile on your face every time that you view your photos!

  • You Can Share the News with Your Friends & Family Members. Once you become engaged, you will want to share the news with all of your closest friends and family members. Therefore, you will certainly want to capture your marriage proposal through photography, so that you can have an array of lovely photos to present to them. After all, is there a better way to share that you are now engaged than with photos that showcase it happening? We certainly don’t think so!

There are many benefits to capturing your marriage proposal through photography! These are just a few that you will want to keep in mind.

View Reasons to Have an Unplugged Wedding Ceremony

If you are all set to have your own memories preserved through photography by an engagement photographer in Dallas, Texas, please get in touch with us here at IGOR Photography! We believe that every special moment in life deserves to be captured, and would be elated with the opportunity to ensure that yours are.

