Multi-Cultural and Interfaith Weddings — Dallas Wedding Photographer-Fort Worth Wedding Photography & Wedding Videos

Merging two faiths in matrimony requires patience, love and a willingness to compromise. Every faith has its unique traditions, customs, and rules that influence the format of a wedding ceremony, the décor, the music and even the food selection.

Needless to say, there are numerous accommodations to be made to avoid offense and to make everyone feel welcomed and a part of the celebration. No need to worry. There have been hundreds of interfaith weddings in Dallas and there will be hundreds after yours. So, we don’t need to look too far to observe what made their weddings seamless and memorable. Here are a few consideration to add to your mental notebook as you start the planning for your big day.

Questions to Ask

1.   Location, location, location—where will you have the wedding—a mosque, church, temple, or ballroom. Some reasons offer no exceptions to the location of the wedding. This is certainly a conversation to have with your spouse-to-be.

2.  Whose faith will guide the wedding ceremony—yours or his? Of will you have two wedding officiants? It is customary to have just to make sure each faith is given proper honor and also out of respect for the families that are being joined.

3.   Weddings with partners of Christian faith have popular bible passages that are read during the wedding ceremony. While many faiths share a similar gist in their messages, for some faiths the reading itself is symbolic and should not be overlooked.

4.   Give a diligent search for an officiant as you would a Dallas wedding photographer. Due to the restrictions of their religion, some faith leaders will not officiate a multicultural wedding. Once you’ve identified an officiant who will, there are a few important questions to ask.

a.   Officiating fee. You want to factor in all of your expenses as early as possible in the planning process.

b.  Share any faith-related accommodations or traditions you’d like to include in the wedding ceremony. Remember, your attention will be on the magnificent of the event. Your wedding officiant can help keep the ceremony flowing when others may forget their queue. 

c.  While most couples have family planning discussion during their courtship and engagement, it may be a good idea to consider pre-marital counseling with your selected officiant. He or she will ask questions that unearth fears or deep concerns that are better addressed sooner than later.

5.   While the two of you may enjoy your shared music tracks in the privacy of your car and home, the music for your reception should consider the many loved ones who have gathered in support of your union. Consider a varied music play list to reflect both cultures.

At Igor Photography we love to capture multi-cultural and Interfaith weddings, through the years we have a had the opportunity to witness that love does emerge across cultural and religious borders and how beautiful it is. 

We have photographed several American-Muslim weddings, American-Asian weddings, American-Hindu weddings and Christian-Muslim weddings, Christian-Buddhism weddings, Christian-Hindu weddings, Christian-Jewish weddings and other combinations of cultures and religions. 

Multi-cultural and Interfaith weddings are often one of the most colorful and lively celebrations that we get to photograph and film. We have developed a deep understanding and respect for how to meticulously and professionally capture such a wedding so all the important parts get the attention it deserves. 

If you you are having a Multi-Cultural/Interfaith wedding in Dallas or somewhere else, contact Igor Photography today so we can provide you with the wedding photography and video that your celebration deserves.

