Something Blue & Saying I do — Dallas Wedding Photographer-Fort Worth Wedding Photography & Wedding Videos


When it comes to the important details of your wedding, it all boils down to the intimate details that you can look back on and cherish.

That's why I love the longstanding superstition behind a well versed chant, known to many brides to be.

Something old, something new,
Something borrowed, something blue,
And a silver sixpence in her shoe!

The Something old is to represent the brides family/heritage or anything from her past that is dear to her that she is carrying into the future

Tips & fun ideas :

Some brides like to (If handy) have a piece of their mothers or grandmothers dress or veil sewn into bouquet or the inside pocket of the new dress, an even better idea if you have the budget have the dress your grandmother/mother wore custom fitted to you with modern touches added to fit your present style.

Other ideas?

  • Necklaces, pearls, beading representative or belonging to someone dear to you added to dress or bouquet.
  • Do you have a old love note/letter hubby- to be wrote you ages ago? Fold that up really small and seal it in your bouquet as well, or wear it in the bodice of your dress, close to your heart.

Something new:

This symbolizes your future with your husband and starting a new life. Most likely your dress that you're wearing or your shoes are new, and that can fill most requirements but if not, usually a gift from groom to be before the ceremony or the brides parents and/or bridesmaids.

Something Borrowed:

This can be vary in different ways to many brides. This can be a gift that is presented from a friend or mother that is happily married, bringing good fortune to you on your wedding day and in your marriage.


  • Earrings that person presenting gift wore on their own wedding day.
  • a garter is a fun idea as well and the most traditional, just make sure to bring a back up garter, so hers doesn't get tossed in the activities.
  • a venue/city, are you getting married in the same chapel or city your parents did? This can also be considered your something borrowed and also bringing a closer bond to your parents, their son-in-law and you.
  • wrap your dads tie around your bouquet to make an elegant statement.
  • a veil from mother or grandparent.

Something Blue:

This part of the rhyme is by far the most interesting a symbol of fidelity and love. Did you know white wasn't even considered a traditional color until late 19th century? It was Blue, like The Virgin Marys clothes in Christian Art. Something blue, is where brides like to get the most creative!

  • Blue stitching in the hem of the gown, with "something blue" written or initials, dates, and cherished words.
  • Ribbons, flowers or sapphires delicately placed in the hair or the bouquet.

Fun ideas?

  • Have your bridal party write brief personal notes on the bottom of your heels with a blue sharpie or a new trend "tar-dis-blue" it's small vinyl decals that can be put on the bottom of your heels ..or cake, wedding invitations, or centerpieces .
  • I've even seen blue henna tattoos in place of the garter, (something the groom can't take off but definitely admire on the honeymoon).

and last but not least, a sixpence (equaled to 6 pennies) in her shoe, placed in the left shoe or taped to bottom to bring good luck and wealth.

  • Can be as simple as a penny or whichever coin you choose.
  • Want to be authentic? Check Amazon or Google for actual sixpence coins and have it delivered before your wedding day.


Don't stress if you can't meet all the requirements, following these traditions is a fun way to create new lasting memories in your marriage.


